The basic how to on Wikipedia -
Edit buttons reside at the top of the page and at the top of each section. Upon entering the edit page, you are informed of two things: the impending availability of your IP address should you not log in and the availability of a practice area called the sandbox.
IP address: So my first question is why do I care if my IP address is out there? Well, after a little reading, I have found that it is because this number allows your computer to be identified and recognized. It is a little like being tagged (like the cows that Dr. Watson keeps talking about). Once you’ve been tagged all sorts of things can be tracked about you. Of course, once that information exists there is someone out there who wants to take it and use it to their advantage and possibly to your disadvantage.
I didn’t know all of this until now. Now I do. Now I have a Wikipedia login.
Sandbox: This is a handy little tool that allows you to get your sea legs in the world of Wiki publishing prior to making your edits available to the world. I played with it a bit just to make sure that I new how to add in a link and could see that my formatting worked correctly. I also got a quick lesson in what happens if someone else is editing the page at the same time I am. Which is this: instead of immediately posting, Wiki provides you with the just updated version and your version and allows you to mesh the two. It also recommends that you don’t be that jerk who completely overlooks the changes that someone else just made to override with your own updates.
With my new IP awareness and sandbox skills, I decided to change the Floyd County, Virginia entry. My home county has only one stoplight. It is full of country farmers with a thirty year influx of artists. While the two cultures clash a bit, they provide our community with a rich well of art and music all in a peaceful mountain setting. I merely added a line and link about a yearly music festival held in the county.
Practicing with Forms
14 years ago
Did you add anything about your Dad to that Wiki pedia page?